July 7, 2023

Make the most of your self-storage unit by organising everything like a pro

Nowadays, finding some space to store old furniture or not-so-frequently-used belongings is not that difficult – just hire a self-storage container and you’re all set.  

Self-storage units come in all sizes and have taken the industry by storm. Self-storage containers offer numerous applications to make life easier and more practical.  

However, if you don’t give enough time and attention to the actual storage organisation, then you may not be making good on your investment.  

Here’s how to make the most of the available space:

Label your containers  

No matter how many times someone tells you to label anything you’re using for storage purposes, the importance never diminishes – yes, labelling is that useful!

Labelling items in your self-storage containers will not only help you do the packing in a more organised way, but also help to quickly find things when it’s time to unpack or use them.  

Need labelling suggestions? How about something along the lines of:

  • My personal stuff
  • Electronics and gadgets  
  • Old stuff for sale
  • University memorabilia  
  • Books, magazines, stationery, office supplies, etc.  

Stay consistent during the labelling and organisation phase

We get it – there’s lots of stuff to sift through, organise, and pack into your self-storage containers – but it’s only human nature to loss motivation halfway through or redirect your focus toward something else for the time being.  


Organising and packing things can sometimes be cumbersome, even downright boring, but once you get a nice tempo going, try to wrap it up as a priority. Sure, you can stop for a coffee break or maybe fix yourself a snack but that’s exactly what the break should revolve around: a snack or a cuppa, and not binging on Netflix episodes from your backlog.  

There’s another advantage to setting time aside for self-storage packing and doing it at the first opportunity you get: if you run short on space or need a different size, you can always hire another unit ahead of time. And that can only be a good thing, leaving you more time to focus on your family, work life, or social life, for instance.  

Arrange heavy and light items in a bottom-top manner

General rule of thumb: heavy items always at the bottom, light items on top.  

Now, most people already know this but not everyone follows through. For instance, when you don’t have a lot of time on your hands or you’re simply eager to get something else done after the packing, you may feel tempted to just dump everything in there as long as the space is being utilised. Makes sense, right?  

This can be a costly mistake as over time, any heavy items you accidently place on top of the lighter ones may lead to damaged goods. Even if you’ve used proper packaging to seal everything off, it’s always better to place the lighter items on top of the heavier ones. It also makes for easier access, especially when everything has been clearly labelled.  

Organise everything by order of necessity  

Apart from size or weight, could there possibly be a better way to arrange items in your self-storage unit?  

There certainly is!

Think about the things you may need to use only a couple of times a year vs. the things you’ll be using on a more frequent basis. Are there certain items you may be using on a weekly or even daily basis?  

Place everything according to necessity – placing the most frequently accessed items closer to the container’s access latch. That way, you won’t have to sift through piles and piles of personal belongings just to find, say, your spare laptop battery or college yearbook.  

WoodPecker offers secure self-storage containers in Southampton, available in a variety of sizes ranging between 15 sq. ft. and 160 sq. ft. Get in touch now to place your order and enjoy quick shipping: 0808 281 3333.

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