May 26, 2021

Welcoming our first customer

When we opened in March, we were delighted that the first customer to take up residence at Woodpecker Self Storage was a familiar face: an employee from the 70s!

Jacqueline worked for Williams Shipping (Woodpecker’s parent group) back in the early 70s for a couple of years.

The positive impression that she was left with after a short stint with Williams meant that Colin (Director, Williams Shipping) and Eric (Chairman) were the first people she thought of when needing storage for her international move back from the states last year.

“It was such a long time ago and a different world back then but there was just something about Williams that stuck with me. Perhaps because it’s a family business or just because of Colin and Eric themselves, but we had a connection and there was a sense of belonging that stuck with me when I went on to work with larger corporations like the BBC, 3M and IBM.”

Why storage was needed

Last year Jacqueline decided to repatriate from the US. She knew that some belongings would need to be stored while she found somewhere to buy.

Because she wasn’t 100% sure of the dates of her move but wanted to think ahead and get things organised as soon as she could, she started ringing round in September. Before she called Woodpecker, she was confronted with lacklustre phone and email responses as self-storage companies were unable or unwilling to help that far in advance. When she picked up the phone to Andy and Chris at Woodpecker the response was “Yes, of course, we will fit in with what you need”.

How flexibility was paramount

Roll on a few months, Jacqueline’s furniture securely in storage, we were hit with a pandemic, lockdowns and a crazy housing market. Three months (which is what she had initially requested), was looking to be the absolutely minimum time she would need.  

With Woodpecker, the contracts, are flexible so there was no added stress: the rental just rolls on until you don’t need it anymore. A week’s notice is all that’s needed when Jacqueline finally does find her dream homecoming home to buy.

Self-storage experience with Woodpecker

At a time that was incredibly stressful, as Jacqueline has already had one set of sellers pull out of a transaction, dealing with Woodpecker meant “a huge weight” was lifted from her shoulders. She says, with regards to her experience:

“I can’t say enough good things about it. They all bend over backwards to help.”

We wish Jacqueline and all our customers going through housing transactions at this time, the best of luck, and if there is anything we can do to smooth the journey, please just shout.

If you are thinking of moving or are in the middle of a turbulent house move and think we can help, please contact us on: or 0808 281 3333.

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